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Innovatec Spa:

the company is part of the Kinexia Group, and is active in the green energies sector, offering hi tech solutions for the production, management, and distribution of energy.

Innovatec's goal is the development of home and business production and automation integrated systems, or smart grids: a potentially infinite community of energy producers/consumers.

The solutions offered by Innovatec aim to reduce consumption by increasing energy efficiency and self-consumption through distributed energy generation and smart grids.

More than 4000 Italian families and small companies have installed an Innovatec PV system.

Exalto has designed 19 biomass heaters (from 500 to 1000 kW) for greenhouses. 

Exalto has also prepared the documents required by the GSE (the Italian Energy Service Management institution) to gain national incentives (white certificates) for these projects.